It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas..

In elementary schools across the states students are making
holiday themed crafts left and right. I remember always making those turkey
hand cut outs about this time to bring home to my parents for Thanksgiving.
(and if you didn’t know.. I’m referring to when you trace your hand and make it
into a turkey. The thumb is the head and the other fingers are colored as feathers).
I also remember always making these paper snowflakes, and getting to use glue
and glitter to decorate the classroom. For me, these were some of the best days
in school, getting to bond with everyone by creating crafts!
I found it to be so interesting that none of our
international students or staff had the pleasure of making these things when
they were in elementary school! When I have discussions with the students about
what it was like going to school in their home countries, I start to see a
definite pattern of how the American school systems compare. I’m sooo happy
that I was taught in American school systems though. I feel that my creativity
was more acceptable to flourish in our systems of making learning fun for
everyone. <3
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