It is that time of the year again. The flower are blooming, the weather is becoming warmer, the swim suits are on the racks of every store, the TV has some new shows, etc.. Hold it right there, i am not talking about Summer. I am talking about finals week. That week when sleep is a luxury of the past, coffee is a life saver in any diet, and normally rational students inexplicably lose their mind.
So, now what is the survival strategy?

Well first of all, you have got to accept it. Finals are horrible, long and exhausting. The sooner you accept this fact, the better you will be able to prepare for them. Do not try to pull an all-niter during that week. Believe it or not, although it might seem kind of pointless then, sleep is very important. Staying rested will help you with your focus and will really make a difference when you are cramming an entire semester worth of material.
Try having some fun, eat healthy and take care of yourself. A poor diet and sleepless nights would lower your immune system.
Turn off your social media just for a week. You can totally do it, and it won't kill you.
Leaving your room sometimes, a change in scenery or some breaks every now and then will help you cope with the stress.
Talk to your friends or family, sometimes you only need to talk and let things go. They will listen and you will feel better after that.
Take every final seriously; that doesn't mean that not acing a final will be the end of the world. Do your best that's all anyone can ask you.
Good Luck!